lordbizarre's electric guitar & amp museum

For sale

We have some guitars for sale, which no longer fit in the collection.
If you like a particular model, click on the name in the list below and then on the picture.
You will be led to a bidding form, where you can make a quotation in euro for that item. The bid is exclusive shipping costs, which may vary, depending on the destination.

Höfner 172 Bass
Egmond Bass 7
Egmond ES Princess
Egmond Thunder
Cremona model 460
Jolana Basso IV
Jolana Galaxis
Jolana Hurican
Jolana Iris
Jolana Star V
Musima model 1653 with Rellog-Gitona pu
Musima B25
Musima 25K
Musima deluxe V25
Musima deluxe B25 plexi pickguard
Aria Diamond 1803T
Aria Diamond 1820
Cyclone by EKS Nagoya
Fender Lead II
GuyaTone LG-65T
Ibanez LesPaul goldtop
Ibanez RR150
Ibanez RR550
Maya LS-26D B
Maya LS-26DS
Teisco Spectrum-like
Hondo II HFM-2
Hondo II HMM-2
Hondo II H-76
Hurricane Stella by Morris
Metal Driver by Sumer
Samick SBA 460

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